Thanks for checking this page out! Not all input values are needed to generate an API. For example, Closest Satellite - Alt Az Dist only requires the longitude, latitude, and elevation. The API will find the closest satellite based on that provided information.
Values with a `time array` need a sample size (number of data points you want) and a time interval (number of seconds into the future for which you want to compute). Formula for dt is: dt = (time interval) / (sample size - 1)
Alt Az Dist
This API is designed to help you tilt your head, at your location on Earth, to find the space object. Enter your latitude, longitude, and elevation. You will need two angles, which are described below.
Altitude(deg_alt): The angle above or below the horizon, measured in degrees up to 90°
Azimuth(deg_az): The angle around the sky from the north pole, measured clockwise in degrees from 0° to 360°
Longitude is assumed to be East. If you want to use a West longitude, just use the negative of that number (e.g., 110° W → -110°). Latitude is assumed to be North. If you want to use a South latitude, just use the negative of that number (e.g., 30° S → -30°).
Lat Lon Dist
This API is designed to find the latitude and longitude from the center of the Earth to the desired celestial object.
State Vector
There are many state vectors because of the many legitimate reference frames used in astrophysics. But you may not find a state vector like this one in many places. It is an inertial frame (so normal Newtonian physics applies) that is rotated such that the x-axis aligns with latitude 0 and longitude 0, and the z-axis aligns with our North Pole. So, if you plot the x, y, z exactly at the time the API was made, the satellite should be in the correct spot relative to the spinning Earth (assuming the spinning Earth has latitude 0 and longitude 0 in the x̂ direction and north in the ẑ direction)